What is lymphedema?
Its most important function is to transmit and discharge tissue fluid and its substances (protein, water, cell, fat, hyaluronic acid) to the venous blood circulation system.
It supplies blood to the body to meet its current needs. Similarly, the lymphatic system must deal with the substances it is responsible for carrying. Inadequate lymphatic system cannot carry the substances it is obliged to carry. Lymphedema is the clinical picture of edema that occurs as a result of the accumulation of protein-rich fluid in the tissue due to the disorder in the lymphatic circulation system. It can affect any part of the body, but usually occurs in the arms or legs. It can usually be seen after trauma, after breast and abdominal surgery for various reasons, especially cancer, after removal of lymph nodes or after radiotherapy on the lymph nodes (secondary lymphedema). However, there are also cases of congenital lymphedema (primary lymphedema) due to any developmental disorder in the lymphatic system. Although the cause is congenital, lymphedema can occur at any age.
How is lymphedema diagnosed?
A history of radiotherapy, unilateral or asymmetric persistent or descending edema, painless edema (with exceptions), normal skin color over the edema (with exceptions), edematous dorsum of hands/feet, deep skin folds, and positive stemmer sign lymphedema is suspected. In particular, it can be diagnosed by current methods such as indirect lymphography, lymphoscintigraphy/functional isotopelymphography, fluorescent microlymphangiography, MRI, CT, high resolution ultrasonography.
What does the treatment include?
Lymphedema treatment consists of 4 stages.
Manual Lymph Drainage: It is performed by specially certified lymphedema physiotherapists. The aim is to mobilize the lymph fluid in the edema region and to re-join the venous circulation system with the rhythmic and slow massage techniques applied on the lymph system in accordance with the lymph anatomy. It does this by making available the lymph vessels under the skin, which are found in the lymphatic network and travel through various parts of the body.
Skin care
Compression (Bandage or Compression stocking)
Special unloading exercises
patient education
In Which Diseases Is The Treatment Applied?
Primary Lymphedema
Secondary lymphedema
Movement System Diseases of Rheumatic Origin
Posttraumatic- Postoperative edema
Chronic Venous Insufficiency
How long does the treatment take?
Treatment according to _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-58d_136bad_bad5cf It takes 2-5 weeks. Treatment consists of two stages. The first phase is the discharge phase. The individual is treated every day and compression is provided with a bandage. It continues until the edema decreases to a certain degree, when the edema reaches a constant level after drainage, the second stage is started and a measurement is taken for the compression stockings. The second phase is the protection phase. In the protection phase, it is treated 2-3 days a week and compression is provided with stockings. At each stage, an exercise that activates the lymph system is applied and homework is given.
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-58d_bd5cf In some cases, lymphedema is mostly healed, partially regressed or progression can be prevented. We should not forget that lymphedema is a chronic disease. In untreated cases, lymphedema can cause irreparable complications.