What is fascia?
Although fascia has been with us from the beginning, its role in the health and functioning of the body has been discovered more and more. Fascia is an extensive fibrous connective tissue network that is dynamic, communicative and inseparable from the body.
Fascia is everywhere and we cannot escape it in the body. It is an uninterrupted structure from head to toe. It is the framework of all connective tissues.
The fascia is similar to ligaments and tendons in structural components. All are composed of connective tissue containing tightly packed bundles of collagen. Ligaments connect bone to bone. Tendons connect muscle to bone. Since the fascia also surrounds all the muscles, it mainly connects the muscle to the muscle.
There are three different types of fascia. The first is the superficial fascia, located just under the skin. It helps to blend the muscles, nerves, veins and arteries with the deeper layers of the skin. The second is the visceral fascia, located in the cavities of your body. It wraps your organs in connective tissue to suspend them. Finally, the deep, densest fascia surrounding individual muscle fibers, muscle groups, bones, nerves, and blood vessels. For example, when we examine muscles, when we talk about a movement, we usually focus on which muscle that movement stretches or strengthens. But our muscles are actually intertwined with three fascial layers, and at both ends they mingle and become their tendons.
Why is fascia important?
Fascia is a very important part of health and pain management._d04a07d32_39396369cd1
Under normal circumstances, the fascia moves and stretches. However, the fascia is constrained by trauma, poor posture, stress, and/or inflammation. As a result, restricted fascia can cause pain. Removing these restrictions makes the body more mobile and allows for better blood flow. Therefore, it uses several different techniques to remove its restrictions.
Fascia, like other connective tissues, can change in response to repeated stress or injury. As tendons thicken in response to repetitive movements or heavy weight lifting, fascia can thicken and harden in areas where it has been repeatedly subjected to stress. This results in areas with less flexibility and limits range of motion and can contribute to incorrect movement patterns. Over time, all these factors can cause chronic pain and even injury.
Many conditions have a facial component, such as frozen shoulder. Other conditions are associated with fascia, such as heel spur (plantar fasciitis), where the plantar fascia on the sole of the foot is inflexible and subject to micro-injury.
Fascia can also lose its flexibility due to inactivity. When you sit or stay in any one position for too long, your muscles can stiffen and so does your fascia. These minor restrictions can change the way you move and cause physical stress on different parts of your body that can start a cycle of injury.
What do fascia release techniques do?
Myofascial release techniques are used to increase and restore range of motion and reduce pain. Thus, it is tried to ensure that the function returns earlier.
Myofascial release techniques are one type often used to treat myofascial pain syndrome. Myofascial pain syndrome is a chronic pain disorder caused by tenderness and tension in fascial tissues. Pain can often originate from specific points in the myofascial tissues, called 'trigger points'. Myofascial release focuses on reducing pain by relieving trigger points and tensions. Myofascial release is usually used over a large area of muscle and tissue rather than at single points.
People experiencing chronic headaches may benefit from myofascial releases. It can reduce headache pain by relaxing tense muscles in and around the neck and head.
Neck pain,
Disc problems (in hernias),
carpal tunnel syndrome,
chronic fatigue syndrome,
chronic pain,
pelvic pain,
Heel spur (plantar fasciitis),
Posture problems (scoliosis, kyphosis),
It can be used in cases such as tennis elbow.
The benefits of myofascial release techniques are: _d04a-2007b_32939c149
Improves range of motion
Reduces pain and aids tissue healing
Helps the body relax in general
improves circulation
It allows to release tensions, trigger points and relieves stress.